There are days when you go out, not wanting to buy anything and not having any moolah in your pockets either. You have a few crumpled up hundred rupee notes that you know you'd have to survive on for at least a couple more weeks. Walks in the market during the festival time is the worst; so many offers, brands, sizes, colours, shapes to choose from - yet not a single penny left aside to be spent on something you truly fancy.
So, I was wandering about in the market, with no particular aim, except that of following my mother everywhere she went. She's usually a bit more lenient on my makeup expenditure, but, that particular day, she was having none of it. She didn't want me to point at a lipstick and unleash my best teary-eyed face upon her. That day, she had a "No Makeup For You" rule. As disappointing as that was, I still tagged along, because, at the end of the day, I was a female magpie/human. I loved anything new, shiny, bright, bold and all those wonderful adjectives put together.

And... I did kind of/sort of broke my mother's rule. I had to. Because, when I was moping around near the cosmetic counters of the store, the girl at Maybelline (being extremely familiar with my magpie-like tendencies to grab anything new and shiny and well, wonderful) asked me to come over and swatched some lipsticks on her wrist. I wasn't too interested when she was going on about the new Bold Matte Color Lipstick by Maybelline Color Sensational. She said there were five shades in the collection and two of them were already sold out. That's when I started listening. She swatched the remaining three lipsticks on her wrists, 'MAT 1', 'MAT 4' and... 'MAT 2'. The moment she swatched MAT 2, I fangirled. Big time. I knew it had to be mine. In between unfriendly glares from my mother and the ecstasy of the salesgirl, I picked up the love of my life. Lipstick wise. It was 375 rupees for 3.9 gm. Gathering up the crumpled notes and some coins, I bought the lipstick and had an ear-to-ear smile all the way back home. The lipstick is absolutely what it claims to be: Vibrant matte texture, extremely hydrating, pigmented etc etc. Among other claims, it apparently has moisturising agents like rose canina oil and jojoba oil. And you know you've got the 'it' lipstick when you cannot actually figure out how one of its hydrants is pronounced (case in point: jojoba). MAT 2 is a vibrant red on the verge of being a bright orange. Imagine a sunset... That is what MAT 2 looks like. You see? You see why I had to jump over my mother's rule and get this gorgeous lipstick?? Okay, I'll stop raving about it now... But, really, it's unlike any other matte lipstick; it nourishes your lips and gives you a gorgeous, matte colour.
If you've got the chance and some extra cash, go for it. There's absolutely no harm in checking it out, is there?
Until next time, take care.