It's the last post of the year. Funny how time flies by, isn't it? 2013 was quite a wonderful year. I mean, I am not going to complain about the bad things because there were just too many great moments. I had decided to give my camera phone a break on grounds of buying a legitimate camera and everything, but, I decided to let WeLF do his thing one last time before its vacation. And he performed quite well, as per usual. Okay, I'll stop with the weirdness now. I'm kind of sad that this year's over, but, hopefully 2014 has bunnies and unicorns and sparkles and flowers in store for us. Maybe not actual bunnies, unicorns, sparkles and flowers but you get the gist. Do you have any New Year's Resolutions? I didn't make any this year because I never seem to keep them. Ever.