I realized, a couple of days ago, that I never start my posts with a greeting. So, hello to anyone who's reading this. That technically wasn't much of a greeting either, but I'll get to it from the next post, I promise. Okay, so, how excited were you when you first heard about the Revlon Matte and Lacquer Balms? If I remember correctly, I immediately told everyone in my friend circle about it. Some were excited, the others were confused. I, simply, couldn't wait to lay my hands on them. And eventually, after months of waiting and wishing, they made their way into this Third World Paradise.
So, from what I gather, these are a part of their new COLORBURST line. They are divided into two sections - Matte Balms and Lacquer Balms. There are 10 shades each in both the lines - from nudes to reds; an extensive colour selection, if you will. The packaging is the same as the Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains: they are twist-up and look like crayons. The only difference in terms of packaging is that the Mattes have a matte exterior and the Lacquers have a glossy exterior. They both have the familiar peppermint scent to them, which results in a tingly sensation when you first apply them on your lips. Honestly, if you're acquainted with the Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains, you'd understand the feeling and fragrance better. If not, take my word for it - it's peppered with peppermint. They contain 2.7 grams of product and are priced at ₹800 each. I picked up one from both the lines and let me just say - I cannot wait to pick up a few more. From my lame attempt at swatching, you can see that the Matte Balms are not true mattes. They are nowhere near as drying or as matte as the MAC matte finishes. However, I like that part about these - they're gloriously hydrating. They are super buttery and they glide on smoothly. The mattes are very, very pigmented while the lacquers are slightly sheer. If you already have pigmented lips, I'd suggest you skip trying out the lacquers because they may not work for you. However, the mattes are a win-win for everybody.
Revlon COLORBURST Matte Balm - "215 Shameless".

"215 Shameless"
The moment I saw this shade, I knew it had to be mine. Some people have a thing for bright, neon lip colours, I simply happen to adore dark ones. Like I said before, this product won't give you a true matte finish unless, of course, you blot it off. However, considering how hydrating this is, I am not going to complain about it since most matte lipsticks aren't hydrating. This shade is a vampy purple, which may be a bit too dark for most of the girls out there but it was honestly too pretty for me to pass up. There are 10 other gorgeous shades in this line and I urge you to go try them out and give this one, especially, a chance. I love how hydrating, smooth, velvety and pigmented they are and I am sure you will too.
Revlon COLORBURST Lacquer Balm - "145 Ingénue".

"145 Ingénue"
I was a lot more confused when it came to the Lacquer Balms, frankly. All the shades appealed to me and I was torn amongst quite a few of the shade. However, these aren't opaque and are quite sheer. I realized that I do not own any nude lipsticks, so I settled on '145 Ingénue' (pronounced On-jhe-new, Ingénue means a stock character in literature, film, and a role type in the theatre; generally a girl or a young woman who is endearingly innocent and wholesome). This is a stunning nude shade that has tiny shimmer particles in it. I am quite fidgety with my lip products - so, while I do like the overall glossy effect this product gives, I do not enjoy feeling the shimmer particles on my lips. Like I mentioned before, if you have pigmented lips, the lighter shades may not work for you since they are not exactly opaque. If you insist on trying them out anyway, I suggest you exfoliate your lips first.
All in all, Revlon has produced another batch of absolute winners. From what I have tried and observed, these are extremely buttery and velvety. I would strongly suggest you go give them a try. I realize buying something from Revlon, and a lip product, at that, for ₹800 may seem silly but let me assure you - these aren't a waste of money. I, personally, was very impressed with these and I enjoyed both the finishes equally. Maybe I should provide a rating. Here goes nothing.
Rating: ☆☆☆☆/5